
作者: 来源: 发布时间:2015年05月19日  字体: 缩小 增大 繁体


1、当下的力量:the power of now

2、别相信任何人:before I go to sleep

3、卖掉法拉利的高僧:the monk who sold his Ferrari

4、群山回唱:and the movntains echoed

5、我希望20几岁就知道这些事:what I wish I knew when I was 20

6、男人想娶坏女人:why men marry bitches

7、挪威的森林:norwegian wood

8、其实你不懂的心:hes just not that into you

9、有一天:one day

10、暮光之城:new moon

11、教父:the godfather

12、雾都孤儿:oliver twist Charles dickens

13、效应:the facebook

14、苏菲的世界:sophies world


16、时间旅行者的妻子:thetime traveles wife

17、怦然心动:you never forgrt your first love

18、马语者:horse whisperer

19、麦田守望者:the catcher in the rye

20、纸牌屋:house of cards

21、百年孤独:one hundred years of solifude

22、阿甘正传:forrest gump

23、短篇小说精粹50篇:50 great short stories

24、时间简史:a brief history of time

25、肖申克的救赎:bestseller stephen king

26、谁动了我的奶酪:who moed my cheese

27、哈利波特与混血王子:harrypotter and the half-blood prince

28、再给我一天:for one more day

29、相约星期二:Tuesday with morrie

30、生命不能承受之轻:the unbearable lightness of being

31、如何读懂一个人:how to read a person like a book

32、逃离:alice munro runaway

33、爱德华的奇妙之旅:the miraculous Edward Tulane

34、德鲁克精华:the essential drucker

35、乔治奥威尔1984:george orwell 1984

36、男人来自火星、女人来自金星:man are from mars women are from venus

37、夏洛特网:charlottes web

38、你在天堂遇到的五个人:the five people you meet in heaven

39、查泰来富人的情人:lady chatterleys lover

40、动物庄园:george orwell animal farm

41、教你破解身体语言:whay every body is saying

42、杀死一只知更鸟:to kill a mockingbird

43、少年奇幻漂流记:life of pi yann martel

44、有点信仰:have a little faith

45、追风筝的人:the kite runner

46、灿烂千阳:a thousand splendid suns

47、美丽新世届:brave new world

48、一辈子做女孩:eat pray love

49、时尚女魔头:the devil wears prada

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